UNILAG students ignore closure order as policemen storm varsity

Report reaching THE CUSTODIAN from UNILAG is that there is massive deployment of soldiers on the university campus.

A student said, “My hostel is almost on fire……Union officers are everywhere beating up girls. School is not safe for now. ….and nobody can go out or come in…or else they would beat you blueblack. School said we should go home….University of Lagos Students’ Union (ULSU) said we must not go…..everywhere is scattered.”

The Students’ Union has also asked their members not to vacate hostels as ordered by management, THE CUSTODIA reports.

A release from the ULSU reads:

“It is unfortunate that despite priding itself as the university of first choice and the nation’s pride, the University of Lagos Management cannot manage this simple issue. The Vice Chancellor has demonstrated his insouciance towards the welfarism of the students. Despite his availability on campus today, he refused to avail the students of his presence.

“In light of this public display of irresponsibility, the Union wishes to state that:

“1) It is an inhumane move with a dastardly motive to demand the vacation of students from the University community. This is because it has got to the notice of the Union that certain hoodlums are around the school to waylay students who are trying to leave the school.

“2) Also, students who leave in distant areas have confessed that they do not have transport fare to transport themselves home. This is understandable as the notice for vacation just got to students this morning at about 6:30, leaving us with less than 4hrs to vacate.

“This is a display of lower drunkenness and gross irresponsibility on the part of the VC and the University Management as a whole. They have displayed that they do not have the interest kg the students at heart. They have shown that they are misfits with regard to parenthood.

“Hence, we implore the students to stay in school so that they won’t be victims of circumstances. Hoodlums are everywhere and leaving the school now is dangerous.

“The Union is on top of the situation. All students should remain indoor until further information by the Union.”

1 Comment on UNILAG students ignore closure order as policemen storm varsity

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