Stand Out Amidst the Crowd at the HTC

As Salam Alaykum Waramatullahi Wabaarakatuhu,

Trust this letter meet in high spirit of Islam, Faith in Allah and high moment in looking for the night of Majesty. One of the most valuable assets that Allah has given to everyone is time and it has some unique qualities. Time is limited in supply. Everyone has an equal amount of time each day and whether or not you use it wisely at the end of the day your closing balance of available time would be zero.

This is true for the Muslim and Non-Muslim, the rich and the poor, the wise and the foolish. Maximizingyour time and using it constructively is one of the most important skills you can deploy in your successful life sojourn.


It is in the realm of this that the Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria Lagos State Area Unit presents unique opportunity to develop the qualities of a model and opportunity to train the younger generations to be able to STAND OUT of the crowd.

Join us at this HOLIDAY TRAINING COURSE which promises to be highly educative, informative and spiritually Ramadan sustainable for all.

It will be held at AL-BARKA PRIMARY SCHOOL, BARIGA in Lagos State. Details below for venue and fees.

Featuring: *Skill Acquisition on Speech Making & Writing, *Fiqh, *Ta’alim, *Film Show, *Tafseer Segment, *Topical Lectures

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