Prayer prevents committing of evil
Series 3 Lesson 2
Title: Muslim Character
Author: Muhammad al Ghazali
Chapter 1.2
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Prayer prevents commitment of Evil
Salat (prayer) is a compulsory form of worship, which is like an exercise towards which man is attracted with interest and willingness. He offers it continually, so that his life may be free from all diseases and the body may be healthy and strong.
The holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet both are the open proofs of these realities.
When Allah commanded the compulsory prayers to be established, He stated its wisdom in this way:
“Prayer prohibits obscenity and evil.”
To keep away from evil, wickedness and to purify from bad deeds are also realities of the prayer.
In a Hadith Qudsi it is stated:
“I accept the prayers of the person who adopts the policy of humility with it on account of My greatness, obliges My creatures, does not insist on sinning against Me, spends his day in remembering Me, and is kind to the poor, travellers, weak and the suffering people.”
. . . To be continued
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