Muslim youths charged to desist from negative traits


Delegates at the ongoing 100th IVC of the Muslim Students’ Society Nigeria (MSSN), Lagos State Area Unit have been charged to desist from all forms of negative traits like arrogance, show-off among others.

Ustaz Abdul Jelil Abdul Azeez made this charge on Thursday while speaking on Al-Ikhlas – “good intention” at the Upper Class of the camp.

He emphasized that it was important for Muslims to renew their intention at times in order to maximize full rewards for their righteous deeds.

Abdul Azeez said that good intention would enable Muslims to be protected from the punishments of the grave and the hereafter adding that it was only sincerity of intention that will make one earn the pleasure of Allah.

“Prophet Muhammad has admonished us that all actions shall be judged by the intention with which they are done. So, as Muslims, we must take cognizance of this at all times so that we won’t end up earning no rewards,” he said.

BY: Miftaudeen Raji,Works Department/Market

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