MSSN UNILAG Suspension: The Inner Story
MSSN-UNILAG Suspension: The Inner Story
This is obviously not the best of time for many Muslim Students in the University of Lagos. Their concern is traced to the recent directive by the management of the institutiion that the current executives of Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria (MSSN) UNILAG branch should vacate their offices and the secretariat be shut.
For most of the Muslim students, the directive should not have emanated. No wonder, a lot of condemnation and bemoaning greeted the action of the management.
This directive was contained in a letter titled ‘Completion of tenure of office’, signed by Deputy Dean I of UNILAG, Students Affairs Division of the University, Dr. A K Adebayo for the Dean, Prof. Tunde Babawale on behalf the authorities of the university.
The directive read in part, “The current executives of the Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria came into office September, 2014 and by general practice and in accordance with the rules and regulations guiding students associations, clubs and society in the university, your tenure lapsed in September, 2015.
“You are hereby expected to forward your hand over notes to the staff advisers on or before November 9, 2015.”
The directive further instructed that the keys to the MSSN vehicles and the secretariat, reports on the finances and any other property of the society should also be handed over.
Though, the letter did not state whether an electoral committee should be set-up, it ordered that a Shurah be constituted for an election to take place in January when the school is expected to resume.
One of our correspondents authoritatively gathered that the management afterwards instituted a panel chaired by Dr. Luqman Adams.
It was learnt that the panel was set up as part of effort to find a lasting solution to the matter. In discharging its assignment, the committe upheld some decisions, part of which were contained in a statement issued by the Dean, Students Affairs Division, Prof. Tunde Babawale on the 2nd of June, 2015.
The statement read in part, “I wish to forward to you the decisions of the University Management at finding a permanent resolution to the perennial crisis within the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN), University of Lagos branch.
“The decisions include that, (1) The University Management has directed the Students Affairs Division to start in earnest the review of the constitution of All Associations, Clubs and Societies on Campus and also circulate for implementation the Financial Guidelines as approved by the Vice-Chancellor to those Associations to regulate the disbursement of funds.
“(2.) The MSSN bye-laws should be reviewed especially the section on the composition of the Shura. The inclusion of postgraduate students, Area Units, and Area Council representatives on the Shura should be discontinued. Representatives of the Muslim Community (i.e. Staff Adviser) and a nominee (Muslim) of Dean, Students Affairs, should be included in the Shura to serve in advisory capacity.
“(3) The current MSSN (Unilag) Executive would be allowed to complete its tenure. However, a committee is to be set up to review the MSSN bye-laws to conform with University rules and regulations before another election into the Executive positions is conducted.
“(4) The current MSSN (Unilag) Staff Adviser, Dr. Tajudeen Yusuf has offered to resign his position having served as the Staff Adviser since 1999. Subsequently, the position of the staff adviser will be occupied by two persons (one Male and one Female) who must be Muslims. Their appointment will be done in consultation with the Muslim Community.
“(5) Management implores the Muslim Community to be more involved in the activities of the MSSN. They have to assist the staff Advisers to enforce discipline amongst all Muslim students and should also report to Management through the Dean, Student Affairs, any student for appropriate disciplinary action whenever the need arises.”
In the statement, Prof. Babawale also requested the Muslim Community to “note for implementation the University Management’s decisions on the resolution of the crisis”.
He added that the Student Affairs Division has commenced the implementation of the decisions and also requested the Muslim Community to assist by way of suggestions on necessary steps required to enhance the maintenance of peace and brotherhood within the community.
It was learnt that Dr. Ismail Musa from Islamic Studies and Dr. Koleosho from Faculty of Environmental are currently the staff advisers to the MSSN UNILAG.
Sources in the university told one of our correspondents that a congress was held to determine the adoption of the review bye-law.
At the congress, which was said to be presided over by Dr. Musa and a representative of the DSA, a motion for the adoption of the reviewed bye-law was moved. While 23 voted NO to the adoption, 116 voted YES – that the review be adopted.
One of our correspondents learnt that votes of the 23 students, who voted against the motion was adopted against 116 students who supported the review.
“The congress was not well presided on. I learnt that a staff want to be a principal signatory to the branch bank account, that is uncalled for,” one of the congressmen said.
In a related development, the students expressed grief that the suspension would create inconveniences for different categories of Muslim students, who may need to access the services of the branch.
They lamented that the newly-admitted undergraduates, Distance Learning Institute (DLI) and the Diploma students would mostly be at the detriment of the decision.
They also expressed anxiety that the Holiday Training Programme (HTP) of the branch where students learn various skills like beads making, graphics and web designs, driving, tailoring, events decoration among others may be subjected to jeopardy.
Some of them alleged the situation was caused by an attempt by a group, identified as the ‘Salafis’ to take over the leadership of the responsible for the situation.
Meanwhile, it was gathered that the genesis of the MSSN saga came from the heels of an anonymous letter addressed to the management alleging the branch MSSN administration was not accountable, existing under external Influence and a partisan “Shura” (consensus) system.
On his part, Ayodele, 500-level student noted that it was pathetic that the “machinations” came from some Muslims camouflaging under several deceitful pseudonyms.
“Many words are better left unsaid, but sincerely I feel dashed, dampled and embittered about this cannibalism,” he said.
Another student, Rasheeda, condemned the suspention calling the management to reverse the suspension and swing into thorough investigation of the crisis.
She said, “It saddens my heart that this is coming from some group of Muslims who are propagandists and have nothing to offer students on campus.”
A 200L student from English department, who craved anonymity, said it was very despicable the length a Muslim can go to hinder the growth of his religion, just because of control adding “that is the case of the so-called staff adviser.”
Another female student, Alaafin descibed the suspension as uncalled for wondering how the staff adviser would uphold the votes of the only 23 aggrieved students to the detriment of the majority.
“I was really amazed at the whole development and the decision of the management. It’s only in Nigeria that this happens,” Alaafin enthused.
By: Oyeleke and Muftaudeen
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