Assalaamun Alaykum warahmatuLlahi brothers and sisters,

All praise is due to Allah. May His blessings be on Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the generality of Muslims. (Amin)

We hope this message meets you in high Islamic spirit and sound health. We are quite sure of your being ‘Ramadanically’ uplifted.

It is with deep regret that we are notifying you of our intention to truncate our soul-inspiring and live-changing weekly RADIO PROGRAMME tagged “MSSN LAGOS HALF HOUR” (herein after ‘MLHH’) .

MSSN LAGOS HALF HOUR is one of the weekly activities of the Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria, Lagos State Area Unit, meant to spread Islamic teachings to the populace. The radio program, which started September 2014, usually hold live every Saturday on STAR 101.5 FM between 8.30am and 9:00am. It has as its motto and slogan “…the voice of the ummah”.

MLHH serves as a platform to reach out to millions of people with a view to ridding our society off decadence and also encourage youths towards goodness and academic excellence. It’s also a medium to train youngsters to be presenters and speakers for Islam and Muslims.

It is worthy to note that MSSN LAGOS HALF HOUR is the ONLY student-Islamic radio programme, which made us tag it “Voice of the Ummah”. Also, as one of the few Islamic Radio Programmes anchored in English Language in Lagos State and beyond, it has contributed to the promotion of peace and morality in the state and Nigeria at large in accordance with Islamic principles derived from the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah (i.e. traditions of the holy Prophet).

On quarterly basis, MSSN LAGOS HALF-HOUR costs *#650,000*. With that, the Society expends 2.4million naira yearly to sustain the programme.

Interestingly, the programme which according to National Broadcasting Communication (NBC) rating has more than two million audience and of which ninety-four (94) editions of it have been held so far, is being sustained by donation from members until recently that it is seriously threatened by lack of fund.

We must mention that in a bid not to stop the Programme, we recently suspended some of our other regular activities at selected levels of the society.

Our impediments would be incomplete if we fail to state that all efforts to seek adverts to support the internally generated funding proved abortive, despite offering free adverts to some organisations to motivate them.

As we speak, the last payment made had been exhausted and the radio station had already offered us the last three editions (19/06/16, 26/06/16 & 03/07/16) in credit (probably, in the spirit of Ramadan); meaning that we’ll immediately after Ramadan go off air, to return at an unknown future, if Allah Wills.

In the above explanation, we hereby notify our dear members, well-wishers, listeners and the generality of Muslims that the VOICE OF THE UMMAH will be VOICELESS immediately after Ramadan 1437AH (2016).

Meanwhile, we want to be optimistic and hopeful that your intervention and that of others who might receive this message (OR whom you might forward this message to) could bring MSSN LAGOS HALF-HOUR back to the listening pleasure of millions of Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Below are our account details for donation in the cause.

Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)
Account Name: MSSN Lagos State Area Unit
Account No: 0010525576

While we tender our apology for this unfortunate situation, we appreciate your confidence in our leadership and ability and will appreciate beneficial suggestions channelled to be contacts below. JAZAKUMULLAHU KHAYRAN

* Head of Production: Sulaiman Alamutu, 08060341899
* Executive Producer: Idris Qasim, 08033034488
: Amir: Saheed Ashafa, 08173291878

Wishing us all EID MUBAARAK.

For Media & Publicity Crew,

Idris Qasim
Public Relations Officer


  1. It’s saddens me a lot, I am gonna miss the society’s programs coz this is the only medium which the society communicate on air to us. Hoping you come back soon.

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